2018 Mesures géodésiques


Barbu A., Laurent-Varin J., Perosanz F., Mercier F. and Marty JC., Efficient QR Sequential Least Square algorithm for high frequency GNSS Precise Point Positioning seismic application, [Advances In Space Research] Publié (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.10.032.

Couhert, A.; Mercier, F.; Moyard, J.; Biancale, R., Systematic error mitigation in DORIS-derived geocenter motion, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SOLID EARTH, Accepté (2018), doi: 10.1029/2018JB015453.

J-F Cretaux, M. Bergé-Nguyen, S. Calmant, N. Djamangulova, R. Satylkanov, F. Lyard,S. Fleury, F. Perosanz, J. Verron , A. Samine Montazem , G. Le Guilcher , D. Leroux, and P. Bonnefond, Absolute calibration /validation of the altimeters on sentinel-3A and Jason-3 over the lake Issykkul, [Remote Sensing] Accepted (2018).

Katsigianni G., Loyer S., Perosanz F., Mercier F., Santamaría-Gómez A., Improving Galileo orbit determination using zero-difference ambiguity fixing in a Multi-GNSS processing, [Advances In Space Research] Publié (2018) doi:10.1016/j.asr.2018.08.035

Rosat, S., Boy, J.-P., Mémin, A., Rogister, Y., Geocenter motion from combined ground Superconducting Gravimeter records and space GRACE gravity solutions, [Geophysical Journal International] en préparation (2019).

Walpersdorf et al., Does Long-Term GPS in the Western Alps Finally Confirm Earthquake Mechanisms? Tectonics, 37. Publié (2018) doi:10.1029/2018TC005054

