2017 Mesures géodésiques

Bagiya M. S., Sunil A. S., Sunil P. S., Sreejith K., M. Rolland, L. et Ramesh D. S., Efficiency of coseismic ionospheric perturbations in identifying crustal deformation pattern: Case study based on Mw 7.3 May Nepal 2015 earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research : Space Physics, vol. 122, n°6, pp. 6849-6857, 2017.

Barbu A., Laurent-Varin J., Perosanz F., Mercier F. and Marty JC., Efficient QR Sequential Least Square algorithm for high frequency GNSS Precise Point Positioning seismic application, [Advances In Space Research] Publié (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.10.03.

R. Biancale, A. Pollet, D. Coulot, M. Mandea, E-GRASP/Eratosthènes: a mission proposal for millimetric TRF realization, [EGU Fall Metting] (2017).

Biancale et al., European Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space : E-GRASP/eratosthenes, [response to ESA Proposal for Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission EE9] (2017).

Boy, J-P. and A. Mémin, 2017. Modeling environmental loading effects at the observation level in GPS processing, IGS Workshop, Paris.

Boy, J.-P., 2017. Modélisation des effets de charge dans le traitement des données GPS, Colloque G2, Nice.

Boy, J.-P., P. Baudet, P. Ulrich, B. D. Loomis, and S. B. Luthcke, 2017. Forward modeling of atmospheric, oceanic and hydrological loading effects in GPS processing, EGU General Assembly (EGU2017-13294).

Boy, J.-P., B. D. Loomis and S. B. Luthcke, 2017. Comparison of GRACE derived mass variations in Greenland with GPS displacements, AGU Fall Meeting (G31C-0926)

Carabajal, C. C., and J.-P. Boy, 2017. Monitoring Lakes in Africa with Altimetry and GRACE, AGU Fall Meeting (H33F-1748).

David Coulot et l’équipe du projet ANR GEODESIE, Projet ANR GEODESIE : Assimilation de données géodésiques et estimation de références pour l’étude du changement climatique, Journées de la Recherche 2017 de l’IGN. http://recherche.ign.fr/jr/jr17/presentations/Presentation_D_Coulot_et_al_24_03_17_matin.pdf .

J-F Cretaux, M. Bergé-Nguyen, S. Calmant, N. Djamangulova, R. Satylkanov, F. Lyard, S. Fleury, F. Perosanz, J. Verron , A. Samine Montazem , G. Le Guilcher , D. Leroux, and  P. Bonnefond, Absolute calibration / validation of the altimeters on sentinel-3A and Jason-3 over the lake Issykkul, [Remote Sensing] Soumis (2017).

Florent Deleflie, Ali Sammuneh, Carine Briand et al., Effects of Thermosphere Total Density Perturbations during Severe Conditions, as revealed by the GRACE mission, [Acta Astronautica] invité (2017) doi:N.A.

Florent Deleflie, Ali Sammuneh, Estimation from the GRACE mission and SLR satellites of the mean albedo of the Earth, Atelier 2017 de prospective GRGS sur la géodésie millimétrique, Sorèze, 2017 ;

Florent Deleflie, Muhammad Ali Sammuneh, David Coulot, Arnaud Pollet, Richard Biancale, and Michel Capderou, Effects of the Earth Albedo and Thermic Emissivity on Geodetic Satellite Trajectories: a Mean Model from 2000-2016 data sets, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienne, 2017.

Florent Deleflie, Muhammad Ali Sammuneh, Carine Briand, Karl-Ludwig Klein,Alexis Petit, Changyong He, Kefei Zhang, Effects of thermosphere total density perturbations on LEO orbits during severe conditions using SLR data and TLE data sets, [International Astronautical Conference, Alelaide] (2017).

Florent Deleflie, Muhammad Ali Sammuneh, Richard Biancale, Luc Sagnières, David Coulot, Arnaud Pollet, Jeanne Mahenc,  A New Model of the Mean Albedo of the Earth:  Estimation and Validation from  the GRACE Mission and SLR Satellites,  International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Canberra, 2018.

Florent Deleflie, David Coulot, Arnaud Pollet, Status of the ILRS GRGS Analysis Center,  International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Canberra, 2018.

Exertier, P.; Belli, A.; Lemoine, J.M.,  Time biases in laser ranging observations: A concerning issue of Space Geodesy, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 60(5), 948-968, Publié, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.05.016, 2017.

Hinderer, J., J.-P. Boy, R. Hamidi, A. Abtout, K. Zharan, S. Issawy, A. Radwan, and M. Hamoudi, 2017. Ground-satellite comparison of time variable gravity: issues and on-going projects for the null test in arid regions, International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi: 10.1007/1345_2017_266.

Hinderer, J., B. Hector, A. Mémin and M. Calvo, 2017. Hybrid Gravimetry as a Tool to Monitor Surface and Underground Mass Changes, International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi: 10.1007/1345_2016_253.

Katsigianni G., Loyer S., Perosanz F., Mercier F., Santamaría-Gómez A., Improving Galileo orbit determination using zero-difference ambiguity fixing in a Multi-GNSS processing: first results, [Advances In Space Research] Soumis (2017).

Mémin, A., V. Viswanathan, A. Fienga, A. Santamarìa-Gómez, J.-P. Boy, O. Cavalié, F. Deleflie, P. Exertier, J.-D. Bernard and J. Hinderer, 2017. Multi-geodetic characterization of the seasonal signal at the CERGA geodetic reference station, France, EGU General Assembly (EGU2017-7450).

Mémin, A., M. A. King, J.-P. Boy and F. Rémy, 2017. Temporal variability of the Antarctic Ice sheet observed from space-based geodesy, AGU Fall Meeting (G31C-0924).

Montenbruck, O., Steigenberger, P., Prange, L., Deng, Z., Zhao, Q., Perosanz, F., Romero, I., Noll, C., Stürze, A., Weber, G., Schmid, R., MacLeod, K., Schaer, S. The Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) of the International GNSS Service (IGS) – Achievements, prospects and challenges, [Advances in Space Research]  Publié (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.01.011.

Mouyen, M., A. Canitano, B. F. Chao, Y.-J. Hsu, P. Steer, L. Longuevergne, and J.-P. Boy, 2017. Typhoon-induced ground deformation, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 11004–11011, doi: 10.1002/2017GL075615.

Nicolas, J., J.-P. Boy, F. Durand and A. Mémin, 2017. Assessment of an improved hydrological loading model from space geodesy: case study in South America, EGU General Assembly (EGU2017-6416)

Pfeffer J., Spada G., Mémin A., Boy J.-P. et Allemand P., Decoding the origins of vertical land motions observed today at coasts, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 210, n°1, pp. 148-165, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx142, 2017.

Pollet, D . Coulot, R. Biancale, E-GRASP : Simulations numériques du GRGS, [Séminaire GRGS Géodésie millimétrique] (2017).

A. Pollet, D. Coulot, R. Biancale, Apport de la mission E-GRASP pour la détermination du repère terrestre, [Atelier VLBI du GRGS à Bordeaux] (2017).

A. Pollet, D. Coulot, R. Biancale, Projet de mission spatiale E-GRASP : simulations numérqiues du Groupe de Recherche de Géodésie Spatiale, [Journées de la recherche de l’IGN] (2017).

A. Pollet, D. Coulot, R. Biancale, M. Mandea, E-GRASP/Eratosthènes: GRGS numerical simulations and millimetric TRF realization, [AGU Fall Metting] (2017).

Sagnières, L. B. M., I. Sharf, and F. Deleflie, Validation of a novel coupled orbit-attitude propagator by comparison to SLR data and light curves, 69th International Astronautical Congress, Abstract ID 46562, Bremmen, Germany, September 2018.

Santamaría-Gómez A., M.Gravelle, S. Dangendorf, M. Marcos, G. Spada, G. Wöppelmann, Uncertainty of the 20th century sea-level rise due to vertical land motion errors, [Earth and Planetary Science Letters] Publié (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.05.038

E. Simonetto, F. Durand, V. Dubreuil, L. Morel, J. Nicolas, J.-L. Froger, Insar tropospheric correction combining GNSS data and a global atmospheric model, Poster, FRINGE (2017).

E. Simonetto, F. Durand, L. Morel, J. Nicolas, J.-L. Froger, D. Raucoules, L’interférométrie différentielle d’images radar : principes généraux et correction des effets atmosphériques, Atelier Radar, Colloque SFPT (2017).

Tammaro, U., U. Riccardi , F. Masson, P. Capuano and J.-P. Boy, 2017. Atmospheric Precipitable Water in Somma-Vesuvius Area During Extreme Weather Events from Ground-Based GPS Measurements, International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi: 10.1007/1345_2016_240.

Wautelet, G., Loyer, S., Mercier, F., Perosanz F., Computation of GPS P1-P2 Differential Code Biases with JASON-2, [GPS Solution] Publié (2017) doi: 10.1007/s10291-017-0638-1.

