2015 Systèmes de références

ACL – Fey, A., Gordon, D., Jacobs, C.S., Ma, C., Lambert, S., Souchay, J., The Second realization of the International celestial reference Frame bt VLBI ”, Astr. J., 150, 58F, 2015.

ACL- Santamaria-Gomez A. et Mémin A., Geodetic secular velocity errors due to interannual surface loading deformation, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 202, n°2, pp. 763-767, 2015.

ACL – Souchay J., A.H. Andrei, C. Barache, T. Kalewicz, C. Gattano, B. Coelho, F. Taris, S. Bouquillon, O. Becker, “The third release of the Large Quasar astrometric Catalogue (LQAC-3): a compilation of  321 957 objects, A&A  583A, 75S, 2015.

C-COM – Bizouard Ch., Elliptical polarisation of the polar motion excitation, IUGG, Prague, 2015.

C-COM – Bizouard Ch., Elliptical polarisation of the polar motion excitation, AGU, San Francisco, 2015.

C-COM – Deleflie F., D. Coulot, Ch. Bizouard, X. Collillieux, Jean-Yves Richard, J-M. Lemoine, P. Bonnefond, F. Reinquin, Analysis of C21, S21 time series over long period of time from SLR data, EGU, Vienne, 2015.

C-COM – Richard J.Y. et al., Multitechnique combination for EOP, station and quasar coordinates, EGU, Vienne, 2015.

