2013 Mesures géodésiques
ACL – Rebischung, P., Z. Altamimi and T. Springer, A collinearity diagnosis of the GNSS geocenter determination, Journal of Geodesy, 0949-7714, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-013-0669-5, in Press, 2013.
ACL – Titov, O., & S. Lambert, Improved VLBI measurement of the solar system acceleration, Astron. Astrophys., 559, 95, 2013.
ACL – Lambert, S., Time stability of the ICRF2 axes, Astron. Astrophys., 553, 122, 2013.
ACL – Taris, F., A.H. Andrei, A. Klotz, F. Vachier, R. Côte, S. Bouquillon, J. Souchay, S. Lambert, S. Anton, G. Bourda, & D. Coward, Optical monitoring of extragalactic sources for the link between the ICRF and the future GAIA celestial reference frame, Astron. Astrophys., 552, 98, 2013.
C-ACTI – Altamimi, Z., X. Collilieux and L. Métivier, ITRF combination: theoretical and practical considerations and lessons from ITRF2008,Proceedings of the IAG Symposium.REFAG2010. Marne-La-Vallée, in Altamimi and X. Collilieux (Eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol.138, Springer, pp 7-12, 2013.
C-ACTI – Collilieux, X. and Z. Altamimi, External Evaluation of the Origin and the Scale of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame,Proceedings of the IAG Symposium.REFAG2010. Marne-La-Vallée, in Altamimi and X. Collilieux (Eds.) (2013), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol.138, Springer, 2013.
C-ACTI – Collilieux, X., Z. Altamimi, D.F. Argus, C. Boucher, A. Dermanis, B.J. Haines, T.A. Herring, C. Kreemer, F.G. Lemoine, C. Ma, D.S. MacMillan, J. Makinen, L. Métivier, J.C. Ries, F.N. Teferle and X. Wu, External evaluation of the Terrestrial Reference Frame: report of the task force of the IAG sub-commission 1.2, Proceedings of the XXV IUGG General Assembly, P. Willis Ed., in press, 2013.
C-ACTI – Ray, J., P. Rebischung and R. Schmid, Dependence of IGS Products on the ITRF Datum,Proceedings of the IAG Symposium.REFAG2010. Marne-La-Vallée, in Altamimi and X. Collilieux (Eds.) (2013), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol.138, Springer, 2013.
C-ACTI – Rebischung, P. and B. Garayt, Recent results from the IGS terrestrial frame combinations,Proceedings of the IAG Symposium.REFAG2010. Marne-La-Vallée, in Altamimi and X. Collilieux (Eds.) (2013), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 138, Springer, 2013.
C-ACTI – Santamaría, Á., M.-N. Bouin, X. Collilieux and G. Wöppelmann, Time-correlated GPS noise dependency on data time period,Proceedings of the IAG Symposium.REFAG2010. Marne-La-Vallée, in Altamimi and X. Collilieux (Eds.) (2012), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol.138, Springer, 2013.
C-ACTI – Coulot, D., A. Pollet, P. Rebischung, G. Collot, L. Grondin, Global optimization of GNSS station reference networks.IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, 1 – 6 September 2013.
C-COM – Deleflie, F., D. Coulot, R. Decosta, A. Fernier, A. Pousse, P. Richard, First attempt of orbit determination of SLR satellites and space debris using Genetic Algorithms.Sixth European Conference on Space Debris, ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 – 25 April 2013.
C-COM – Deleflie, F., D. Coulot, R. Decosta, B. van Cooten, A. Vienne, P. Richard, Orbit determination methods in view of the PODET project.SF2A 2013, Montpellier, France, 4 – 7 juin 2013.