2012 Systèmes de références

ACL – Abarca del Rio, D. Gambis and D. Salstein, Interdecadal oscillations in the Atmospheric Angular Momentum variations, J. of Geod. Sc., Volume 2, 1, pp 42-52. doi:10.2478/v10156-011-0025-8, 2012.

ACL – Altamimi, Z., L. Métivier and X. Colillieux, ITRF2008 plate motion model, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B07402, doi:10.1029/2011JB008930, 2012.

ACL – Andrei, A.H., J. Souchay, N. Zacharias, R.L. Smart, R. Vieira Martins, D.N. da Silva, F.Taris, A. Andrei, A. Klotz, F. Vachier, R. Côte, S. Bouquillon, J. Souchay, S. Lambert, S. Anton G. Bourda, D. Coward, Optical monitoring of extragalactic sources for the link between the

ICRF and the future Gaia celestial reference frame  I. Variability of ICRF sources  A&A in press, 2012.

ACL – Capitaine, N., “Micro-arcsecond Celestial Reference Frames: definition and realization – Impact of the recent IAU Resolutions”, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 12, Issue 8, pp. 1162-1184; DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/12/8/013.

ACL – Collilieux X., van Dam T., Ray J., Coulot D., Métivier L., Altamimi Z., Strategies to mitigate aliasing of loading signals while estimating GPS frame parameters,Journal of Geodesy, 86(1):1-14, doi: 10.1007/s00190-011-0487-6, 2012.

ACL – Collilieux, X. and R. Schmid, Evaluation of the ITRF2008 GPS vertical velocities using satellite antenna z-offsets,GPS Solutions, doi:10.1007/s10291-012-0274-8, 2012.

ACL – Loyer S., Perosanz F., Mercier F., Capdeville H., Marty J.C., Zero-difference GPS ambiguity resolution at CNES-CLS IGS Analysis Center, Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 86 (11), pp. 991-1003, DOI:10.1007/s00190-012-0559-2, 2012.

ACL – Liu, J.-C., N. Capitaine, S. Lambert, B. Malkin, Z. Zhu, “Systematic effect of the Galactic aberration on the ICRS realization and the Earth orientation parameters”, A&A 548, id.A50; DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201219421, 2012.

ACL – Métivier, L., X. Collilieux, and Z. Altamimi, ITRF2008 contribution to glacial isostatic adjustment and recent ice melting assessment, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39(L01309), doi:10.1029/2011GL049942, 2012.

ACL -J.Souchay,J., A.H.Andrei,A.H.,C.Barache,C.,S.Bouquillon, S.,D.Suchet,D., F. Taris, R. Peralta, « The second release of the Large Quasar Astrometric Catalogue (LQAC2) »,A&A537A,99S, 2012.

AP – Gambis D. and R. Biancale, Combination at the observation level, Colloquium, TOSCA/CNES, Paris, 20-21 mars 2012.

C-ACTI – Altamimi, Z., X. Collilieux and L. Métivier, ITRF combination: theoretical and practical considerations and lessons from ITRF2008 , Proceedings of the IAG Symposium. REFAG2010. Marne-La-Vallée, in Altamimi and X. Collilieux (Eds.) (2012), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol.138, Springer, in press, 2012.

C-ACTI – Biancale, R., J.-M. Lemoine, F. Reinquin, F. Deleflie, G. Ramillien, P. Gégout, Behaviour of the low degree terms of the Earth gravity field over the last 30 years, EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria., p. 8753, 2012.

C-ACTI – Esmiller, B., S. Vial, E. Samain, et al. « Laser ranging on space debris at OCA », Proceedings of SPIE meeting 2012.

C-ACTI – Exertier, P., « T2L2 status and methods, compared to ELT–ACES/Pharao », Invited paper, April 2012, Teschniche Univ., Munich.

C-ACTI – Exertier, P., « Energy budget of laser telemetry thanks to T2L2 measurements », Invited paper, December 2012, NERC at Herstmonceux, UK.

C-ACTI – Exertier, P., E. Samain, et al., T2L2-Time transfer between colocated SLR systems”, Proceedings of the International Laser Ranging Workshop, Frascati, 5-9 November 2012.

C-ACTI – Gambis D., J.Y. Richard, R. Biancale, Ch. Bizouard, Why combining at the Observation Level Reference Frame for Applications in Geodesy (REFAG) in Proc., (Altamimi and Collilieux, eds) IAG series, Vol. 138, 360 p, 2012.

C-ACTI – Le Petit F., D. Gambis (33 auteurs), VO-Paris Data Centre (VO-PDC) Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI. Proc. of a Conference held at Marriott Rive Gauche Conference Center, Paris, France, 6-10 November, 2011. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 461. (P. Ballester, D. Egret, and N.P.F. Lorente, eds). San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012. p.399.

C-ACTI – Moreira, D.M., S. Calmant, F. Perosanz, F. Fund, A. Santos, J.S. Silva, F. Frappart, F. Seyler, G. Ramillien, A. Monteiro, O.C. Rotunno Filho, C.K. Shum, Evaluation of GPS Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) techniques. Application to hydrological monitoring in the Amazon basin. In: AGU Fall Meeting 2012, 2012, San Francisco. Proceedings of AGU Fall Meeting 2012 (December 03-07 2012, San Francisco, CA).

C-ACTI – Moreira, D, F. Perosanz, S. Calmant, A. Santos, J. Silva, G. Ramillien, O. Rotunno, F. Seyler, A. Monteiro, and C.K. Shum, Applications of GNSS data for hydrological studies in the Amazon basin. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-10531-3, 2012 EGU General Assembly 2012

C-ACTI – Wang, X. et al., « First results of the 2011 co-location campaign FTLRS-Moblas in Tahiti », European Geophysical Union 2012, Vienna.

C-ACTN – Capitaine, N., “ Comparison between the variables and parameters used for high accuracy precession and nutation” in Proc. Journées 2011 Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels, H. Schuh, S. Boehm, T. Nilsson, and N. Capitaine (eds), pp. 29-32, 2012.

C-ACTN – Capitaine, N., “Toward an IAU 2012 resolution for the re-definition of the astronomical unit of length“ in Proc. Journées 2011 Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels, H. Schuh, S. Boehm, T. Nilsson, and N. Capitaine (eds) pp. 266-269, 2012.

C-ACTN – Capitaine, N., M. Folgueira, “Semi-analytical integration of precession-nutation based on the GCRS coordinates of the CIP unit vector in Proc. Journées 2011 Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels, H. Schuh, S. Boehm, T. Nilsson, and N. Capitaine (eds) pp. 45-46, 2012.

C-ACTN – Yao, K., N. Capitaine, S. Lambert, “Nutation and high precision astrometry observation techniques” in Proc. Journées 2011 Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels, H. Schuh, S. Boehm, T. Nilsson, and N. Capitaine (eds) pp. 180-18, 2012.

C-AFF – Coulot, D., E. Bernard, S. Lambert, X. Collilieux, Influence of the station and quasar referencing on the quality of EOP time series. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2012 ; San Francisco, USA, poster, 2012.

C-COM – Deleflie, F., D. Coulot et al., « Activités récentes du centre d’analyse ILRS du GRGS « , Journées Scientifiques 2012 de l’IGN ;

C-COM – Laas-Bourez, et al., « Laser telemetry on space debris with the MeO telescope at OCA », Cospar 2012, India.

C-COM – Guillemot, Ph., et al., « Time transfer by laser link », EFTF 2012, Copenhague.

C-COM – Deleflie, F., et al., « GRGS ILRS analysis center, results 2012 », ILRS-AWG assembly, Vienna, April 2012.

C-COM – Richard J.Y., Gambis D., Combination of space techniques at the normal equation level, IDS Workshop, Venice, Italy, September 2012.

C-COM – Salstein D.A, C. Bizouard, D. Gambis, New attempts at prediction and verification of AAM and relationship to EOP, IAU Comm. 19, Beijing, 2012.

