2009 Océans, hydrologie globale
Ablain M., Cazenave A., DoMinh K, Guinehut S., Llovel W., Lombard A. and Valladeau G., A new assessment of global mean sea level from altimeters highlights a reduction of global slope from 2005 to 2008 in agreement with in-situ measurements, Ocean Sciences, 5, 193-201, 2009.
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Becker M., W. Llowel, A. Cazenave, A. Güntner, J-F Crétaux, Recent hydrological behaviour of the East African Great Lakes region inferred from GRACE, satellite altimetry and rainfall observations, in press to C.R Geosciences, 2009.
Biancamaria S., P. Bates, A. Boone andN. Mognard,Large-scale coupled hydrologic and hydraulic modelling of an arctic river: the Ob river in Siberia,Journal of Hydrology, vol. 379, pp. 136-150, 2009.
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Cazenave A., Guinehut S., Ramillien G., Llovel W., DoMinh K., Ablain M., Larnicol G. and Lombard A., Sea level budget over 2003-2008; a reevalution from satellite altimetry, GRACE and Argo data, Global and Planetary Change, 65, 83-88, doi:10.1016/j/gloplacha.2008.10.004, 2009.
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Cretaux J-F, R. Letolle, andS. Calmant, Investigations on Aral Sea regressions from Mirabilite deposits and remote sensing,aquatic geochemistry, 15, 277-291, 2009.
Crétaux J-F., V. Jelinski, S. Calmant, A. Kouraev, V. Vuglinski, M. Bergé-Nguyen, M-C Gennero, F. Nino, R. Abarco Del Rio, A. Cazenave, P. Maisongrande, SOLS, a lake database to monitor in Near real time water level storage variations from remote sensing data, Advanced Space research, submitted, 2009a.
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Crétaux J-F, S. Calmant, R. Abarca Del Rio, A. Kouraev, and M. Bergé-Nguyen, Lakes studies from satellite altimetry, invited papers, in press, Handbook on Coastal altimetry, Springer ed., chap. 19, 2009d.
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Kouraev A.and J-F Crétaux, Aral Sea Ice conditions from historical and satellite observations, Handbook of environmental chemistry, Vol 5 Water pollution, Ed A.G. Kostianoy, A.N. Kosarev, (invited papers) in press, 2009a.
Kouraev A.V., J-F Crétaux, S.A. Lebedev, A.G. Kostianoy, A.I. Ginzburg, N.A. Sheremet, R. Mamedov, E.A. Zhakharova, L. Roblou, F. Lyard, S. Calmant, M. Bergé-Nguyen, The Caspian Sea, invited papers, in press, Handbook on Coastal altimetry, Springer ed., chap. 19, 2009b.
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Llovel W., K. DoMinh K., A. Cazenave, Crétaux J.F., M.C. Gennero and M. Becker, Contribution of land water storage change to global mean sea level from GRACE and satellite altimetry, in press to C.R. Geosciences, 2009.
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