2004 Mécanique orbitale et champ de gravité de la Terre
Barriot, J.P., Dehant V., Paetzold M., Using a Ka-Band Radiometer to Correct the Tropospheric Path Delays in the Frame of the Bepi Colombo RadioSciences Experiment, 2nd CNES Workshop on Earth-Space Propagation, Electromagnetism and Signal & Image Processing CCT Joint Workshop, CD Proceedings, 13-15 October 2004.
Benna, M., Barriot J.P. , W. Kofman, Barbin Y., Generation of 3-D Synthetic Data for the Modeling of the CONSERT Experiment (The radiotomography of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko), IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 52., No 3, March 2004.
Bruinsma S., D. Tamagnan, R. Biancale, Atmospheric densities derived from CHAMP/STAR accelerometer observations, Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 52, Issue 4, pp 297-312, 2004.
Dehant, V., Barriot J.P., Paetzold M. and the HeRS team, HeRS: A Hermean RadioSciences Experiment, to Study the Deep Interior and Lithosphere of Mars, 40th Vernadsky-Brown MicroSymposium, Moscow, CD Proceedings, October 11-13 2004.
Duron J., Rosenblatt P., Karatekin O., Dehant V., van Hoolst T. and Barriot J.P., Estimation of Martian Zonal Gravity Coefficients Variations by Combining Different Simulated Geodetic Data, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 02168, 2004, ISSN 1029-7006.
Forbes, J. M., G. Lu, S. Bruinsma, S. Nerem, and X. Zhang(2005), Thermosphere density variations due to the 15-24 April 2002 solar events from CHAMP/STAR accelerometer measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A12S27, doi:10.1029/ 2004JA010856.
Pätzold, M., Neubauer F.M., Carone L., Hagermann A., Stanzel C., Häusler B., Remus S., Selle J., Hagl D., Hinson D.P., Simpson R.A., Tyler G.L., Asmar S.W., Axford W.I., Hagfors T., Barriot J.-P., Cerisier J.-C., Imamura T., Oyama K.-I., Janle P., Kirchengast G., Dehant V., MaRS: Mars Express Orbiter Radio Science, ESA Special Publication SP-1240, 141-164, 2004.
Pireaux, S., Barriot J.P., Rosenblatt P., SCRMI: a Semi-Classical Relativistic Motion Integrator, to Model the Orbits of Space Probes around the Earth and Other Planets, Proceedings : 55th International Astronautical Congress, 4th-8th October 2004, Vancouver, Canada.
Rosenblatt, P., Marty J.C., Perosanz F., Barriot J.P., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., Numerical Simulations of a Mars Geodesy Network Experiment: Effect of Orbiter Angular Momentum Desaturation on Mars’ Rotation Estimation, Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 52, 11, 965-975, Sept. 2004.
Rosenblatt, P., Dehant V., Paetzold M., Karatekin O., Barriot J.P., van Hoolst T., Numerical Simulations of the Estimation of Mars’ Gravity Field Variations from the Mars’ RadioScience Experiment Onboard Mars Express, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 04160, 2004, ISSN 1029-7006, EGU General Assembly 2004, Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004.
Rosenblatt, P., Paetzold M., Dehant V., Barriot J.P., Duron J., Marty J.C., Balmino G., Improvement of the Determination of the Seasonal Variations of Mars Gravity Field Using Both MGS and Mars Express Tracking Data, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G43A-0800, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 13-17, 2004.
Vienne, J., Barriot J.P., Rosenblatt P., Yseboodt M., Duron J., and Dehant V., Numerical Simulations of the NetLander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment (NEIGE): Landing Site Positions Determination from Doppler Tracking between an Orbiter and Landers, in: Proc. International Workshop on Planetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science, Lisbon, Portugal, 351-355, ESA SP-544, 2004.